Father's Day Remembrance Services 2007
Victoria Queensland NSWVictoria
Date: Thursday, 30th August, 2007Time: 7.00 pm Where: Weeroona Chapel, Bunurong Memorial Park , 790 Frankston-Dandenong Rd, Dandenong South (map) Details: Please click here for further information or to RSVP please call (03) 9562 0222 or (03) 9788 9488 or email info@monkhouse.com.au or info@bunurong.com.au We cordially invite you and your family to a one-hour, non-denominational remembrance ceremony for Fathers. The service will be officiated by a civil celebrant. As part of the ceremony, floating candles will be lit and set afloat on the beautiful lake of Bunurong Memorial Park. A token of remembrance will be handed out at the end of the ceremony. All family members are encouraged to attend the remembrance ceremony. Refreshments will be provided after the ceremony. In conjunction with obits.com.au we are offering a complimentary remembrance notice and photo of your loved one to be placed on their website to the value of $49.50. For further information, please contact our office on (03) 9562 02223. You are encouraged to bring photos of your loved one to be shown in the PowerPoint presentation. The photos are required in either print form, jpg-format or on a cd, and they need to be taken to Bunurong Memorial Park no later than Tuesday, August 28, 2007. These treasured possessions will be returned to you on the night of the service. For catering purposes, we would appreciate an RSVP by phone on 03 9562 0222 or by email to info@monkhouse.com.au by Tuesday, August 28, 2007. We welcome you and your family to attend our service, to remember your loved one this Fathers’ Day. Yours Sincerely, Ian Allison ![]() Queensland
Date: Sunday, 2nd September, 2007 (Father’s Day) For most families, Father’s Day is a time for celebrating dads with gift-giving and breakfast in bed. But for people whose fathers have passed away, particularly the recently bereaved, it can be a lonely and difficult occasion.
Date: Sunday, 2nd September, 2007 (Father’s Day) For most families, Father’s Day is a time for celebrating dads with gift-giving and breakfast in bed. But for people whose fathers have passed away, particularly the recently bereaved, it can be a lonely and difficult occasion. Date: Sunday, 2nd September, 2007 (Father’s Day) For most families, Father’s Day is a time for celebrating dads with gift-giving and breakfast in bed. But for people whose fathers have passed away, particularly the recently bereaved, it can be a lonely and difficult occasion. Celebrant Tony McLeod will conduct the formal elements of the Father’s Day Service which will include live musical performances by a pianist, trumpeter and bagpiper. All families attending the Service will be presented with a ‘Token of Remembrance’. ![]() New South WalesDate: Sunday, 2nd September, 2007 (Fathers Day) Time: 10.00 am Where: Palm Chapel, Macquarie Park Crematorium, Corner Delhi and Plassey Roads, North Ryde (map) Details: For more information or to R.S.V.P. please call (02) 9807 7923. T J Andrews Funeral Services in conjunction with Macquarie Park Cemetery and Crematorium warmly invite you to join us for a Fathers' Day Remembrance Service Sunday 2nd September 2007 at 10.00 am in the Palm Chapel, Macquarie Park Cemetery & Crematorium, corner Delhi & Plassey Roads, North Ryde. Followed by light refreshments. For catering purposes, please R.S.V.P. by Wednesday 29th August 2007 on (02) 9807 7923.