Fawkner CemeteryAre you trying to find the address of Fawkner Cemetery? If you are trying to find out details for a funeral you are attending, you could try following the link below, which will allow you to search for a funeral by name or state. Australian Funeral Notices, Death Notices and Obituaries However, if you are looking for general information on Fawkner Cemetery, please read on. Fawkner Cemetery opened in 1906 to cope with the city’s expanding North West. It has an onsite crematorium, three nondenominational chapels and a 3000 crypt mausoleum. It also offers a grief counselling service. In March 2010, Fawkner Cemetery was merged with a number of other metropolitan cemeteries in the North East and North West of Melbourne and is now operated by the Greater Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust. The cemetery offers cremation services with traditional wall niches, tree memorials, rose memorials, or an urn placed in the Columbarium. Alternatively the cremated remains may be included within an existing grave and a separate plaque erected or the original headstone changed. Fawkner Cemetery is the final resting place of John Batman, the founder of the City of Melbourne. The cemetery is accessible by rail, with Fawkner railway station located close by. MAIN ENTRANCE1187 Sydney Road Fawkner Victoria 3060 POSTAL ADDRESSPO Box 42, Fawkner, Victoria 3060 FLOWER, REFRESHMENTS & FUNCTIONSThe Tea Room http://www.gmct.com.au/our-services/functions.aspx Phone: (03) 9355 3118
OFFICE HOURSMonday to Friday: 8:30am to 5:00pm.Saturday: 9:00am to 4:00pm Sunday and Public Holidays: Closed. |