Peter Brock TributesPage 4
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Dear family of Peter Brock, I am so saddend by the loss of Peter , He was such a lovely man and he will be sadly missed by all who knew him. I know I will, I looked forward to Targa Tasmania to see him again was the best thing ever. May you all find comfort in knowing that he will be watching over you all from shaunna stevens Launceston Tasmania ~~~~~ BROCKY, THE KING 05 NATHAN ADAMS, ADELAIDE ~~~~~ We shall take on the oath with pride and pleasure, From one of your loyal fans and on behalf of your god children... ~~~~~ brocky gone never forgotten the world is a poorer place. deepest sympathy to bev,and the kids. we wont forget the mt king. bev your a star we have watched and seen you with peter for years always both of you had the time for others a lesson we all need to learn brocky. aj ~~~~~
To the Brock Family, From The Chisholm Family ~~~~~ Peter. What a hero, what a legend. You will be remembered & missed by just so many whose lives you touched." Live your dream now". Our thoughts & prayers are with Julie, Peters children & their mother along with the Brock family. Cherish the memories now, they are so precious. Love Marg & Rob ~~~~~ Brocky, you were our idol. my husband and i had the pleasure of meeting you and having our photo taken with you 8 years ago at the rockhampton motor show we will treasure those photos forever. we only wish our four year old son jett could have met you as he adores you. rest in peace brocky. neil, justine and jett hunter ~~~~~ The Brock Family, What More Can I Say………. The checkered flag of life fell way too soon. Holden’s Official Legend Dreams End Never…………………………. May the Legendary King of the Mountain live on forever in our hearts, and the memory of such a great Australian Ambassador never be forgotten. Our thoughts are with you. Charmaine and Angelo ~~~~~ to the brock family words cannot describe the shock i felt when i heard peter had been killed. my heart goes out to you all especially his kids. be strong he would want that. i know the pain you are feeling as i lost my dad 1 yr ago as well. the pain dims but the pains never goes away. remember the good times as i will remember what he did for car racing in general but especially holden love you peter you will be missed. brocky R.I.P WE WILL NEVER FORGET YOU XOXOXOXOXOXOX ~~~~~ dear brocky, i know i never met you but you will be sorely missed. u r a true legend. my heart is a true holden fan. i will look up at night and hopefully see a brighter star knowing it you love you peter you will be missed u r the true holden king love angela gumbleton ~~~~~ Words can only say what I am feeling but still is not enough. We have suffered so much now that Peter Brock has left but still have so much Peter has left, we can remember a wonderful man and a legend god please look after him as Peter did us rest in peace lest we forget we love you Brock HOLDEN IS FOR EVER JUST LIKE YOU BROCKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ~~~~~ To the Brock family It is a truly sad day in Melbourne, as our favourite son has left not only you, but all of us. “The gates of heaven have opened up & a wonderful & amazing man has stepped inside” Sanya ~~~~~ Peter. You were my idol as a kid,,,,,now as a adult, you’re an inspiration. The world needs more people like you in it. Rest in peace mate….Peter Butler ~~~~~ Peter Brock ~~~~~ To The Brock Family, The Passing of Peter Perfect brought a Great Sadness to me. But it is nothing Compared to how you are feeling. Peter Was No1 in my Eyes and alot of others. My only meeting with Peter was the at the Melbourne Motor Show in 2000. He signed a Motorsport Calendar and the way he was, was the way I will remember Peter. Thankyou for sharing him with us. RIP The King of the moutain. Brock 05 Lives on. Robert Donnan ~~~~~ To the Brock Family, We never knew him personally, but still feel we've lost a friend. He achieved so much in his lifetime and lived life to the full. Our thoughts are with you at this sad time. He will not be forgotten and will live on in your hearts. Sincerely, ~~~~~
Peter Brock - an inspiration to many Australians, a true gentleman and will be greatly missed. His legacy will live on through motor racing but also with his generousity with the leukeamia foundation and many other wonderful causes. Thank you. ~~~~~ Peter Brock, Brocky, ‘King of the Mountain’ Australia has lost a true legend, a legend that will live in the hearts of all. We love you Brocky. To the Brock family: Love always, Diana VIC xxx ~~~~~ As much as Peter Brock was a motorsport icon, I like so many others, also grew to admire and respect him for his open and honest nature, for his caring attitude and his kindness to those around him. Just because he was Peter. He was a real person.......that's what makes him loved by so many. My thoughts go out to his children, grandson Oliver, his partner, Bev, his brothers, extended family and friends. He knows you love him. Shelley ~~~~~ To The Brock Family, Although we never knew him personally, Peter felt like he was part of our family. Always signing autographs and saying hello to the public. He was an idol to many, but a father, husband and brother to you. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time. “Time will pass, but he will be with you forever” Love the Simson & Hoffmann Family’s (NSW) ~~~~~ Will Always Remembered.... ~~~~~
To the Brock Family Thinking of you at this sad time and our thaughts are with you and may his memory and strength live on in our history and in our hearts. From Roger and Alister Brien ~~~~~ Condolence to the Brock Family...... ~~~~~ Peter, Love from the Hill Family in Queensland. ~~~~~ To Dearest Bev & Family I will always remember Peter Brock for his generous contribution to Australia and motor sports. May we always be reminded of the good times. God Bless ~~~~~ With deepest simpathy to the family of brocky he is a legend, a hero & will always be king of the mountain & remembered
~~~~~ Peter, Always in our hearts, From ~~~~~
Peter Brock "KING OF THE MOUNTAIN" You will always be the best ~~~~~ My heart broke on September 8th 2006 when the news of your passing came through. I cried and cried and will cry some more. I still cannot believe that we will never see your smiling face again and hear your brilliant words of wisdom. Your death has left a huge hole in my heart which will never heal. I miss you Peter, my hero and the friend of many. You were taken to soon, but I think the man upstairs needed you and your inspiration. Sweet dreams our King of the Mountain and rest in peace lots of love Barbara Taylor xxx ~~~~~ Peter, I first met you in 1979 and you were happy to sign an autograph and take a few minutes out for a chat. You are the reason many people enjoy car racing and love Holden. Always larger than life. you will always be The King of the Mountain. You have touched many peoples lives and will be Our sympathy to your family Karen and Barry Thomas ~~~~~ Brocky you were the king of the hill now the king of heaven, now your up there with fangio, senna and the rest of the legends your now at home, your memory lives with us forever...noel (oz) hammon ~~~~~
Thanks Brocky for the memories and the GOOD TIMES. For the passed 30years I have travelled and watched you drive, drive with such skill and prowess. Your driving skill was the envy of other drivers. You my friend will be remembered not only for your driving skill, but for your magnetism to the people, from the young to the old. You are and will always be the LEGEND. R.I.P my friend ~~~~~
Peter you are the king of racing you are missed more than we can say our hearts go out to Bev we are so sorry for your loss .....John & Joanne maher ~~~~~ Peter Brock These are some words to describe you over the years. I was 14 when i was interested in watching the racing cars with my dad on T.V. We never saw a real race and still I haven't and now 42. I will miss you but your family will the most. My sympathies to all respected family and friends. My daughter is 20 and was interested in the sport when she was 16. her dad and grandad love the sport and the KING of the MOUNTAIN! thanks for the memories and the mark you left to the sport to encourage others to follow. Cheers ~~~~~ To the Master For all the moments since 1971, from watching you on the Grid, being mesmerized at you negotiating the Cutting, gulping for air at your flight around McPhillamy, holding my breath at your airplay at the Dipper and getting a rush as you hurried down Conrod – thank you. Throughout the time of youthful flaws, you were the one who set the pace in striving for perfection in your chosen profession. You were the ultimate role model for so many of us who were looking for something. For this, you were, and still are, my hero. Live your dreams!! Nic ~~~~~ PETER BROCK OUR MATE , RIP BRYAN, KATE, JOHN AND JOHNO WE WILL MISS YOU AS WHERE PETROL HEADS THANKS FOR ALL THE GOOD MEMORIES. BATHURST WILL NEVER BE THE SAME NOW WHERE LOST OUR HOLDEN MAN OUR KING OF THE MOUNTAIN. (V8S FOR EVER). ~~~~~ Peter Brock, Brocky - an absolute Holden Legend and a hero of mine from 16 years of age when I watched you in a little GTR-XU1 Torana out run the awesome big Falcons at Bathurst in 1972. I was a bit of a rev head in my youth, and when anyone said to me, ' who the hell do you think you are...Peter Brock '? I'd reply 'Yep bloody oath!' I watched every race that you were in, I felt your highs and your lows, I hung on every word you said, my family and I would be at Mallala to cheer you on and hopefully shake your hand and get a photo, dreaming of even riding with you. In 1993 I won a competition through a motor sport publication for 2 laps around Mount Panorama with you in the Mobil VN Commodore, which turned to 3 laps when the next person didn't show.You looked at me and said ' the car feels good, I feel good, you hang on, lets go one more, and boy did we! Two hundred and eighty eight clicks down Conrod, with me thinkin' we won't make the chase, and you topped the time sheets in the morning session with that mind blowing 3rd lap with me in the car. For me that epitomized what you were all about, if there's a chance, grab it and give it a 'red hot go'! So many great memories of those two days with a great driver and a great bloke, etched in my mind for life, Thanks Pete, may where you are have a solid gold XU1 and a race track for you at drive the Heaven 1000. Our sincere heart felt sympathies to all the Brock Family. Allan, Deidre, Tracy & Dion. ~~~~~ Peter Brock Ron and Karen Houchin Qld ~~~~~ TO THE BROCK FAMILY, WE WILL DEEPLY MISS PETER PERFECT AS HE WAS THE KING OF THE MOUNTAIN. WE WILL MISS YOU BROCKY AND MAY GOD BE WITH YOU. R.I.P BROCKY SHARON. ~~~~~ We will miss Peter Perfect as he is a legend in our eyes and may his spirit be with us for eternity. There will never be a specail person like Brocky as he was a hero and legend in my eyes, and I'm sure that all his fans would agree with me that we will all miss him deeply. ~~~~~ You were my no 1 Mr Brock.You were the true legend of motorsport,no one will ever achive what you have done. I will never forget you. ~~~~~ There will only ever be one King of the Mountain. Peter Perfect Brock you will always rock. Your Aussie fans will always miss you. RIP the Legend. love and hugs, Peter Brock What can one say ~~~~~ Brocky , you will never be forgotten. You were and always will be our hero. V8supercars will never be the same with out your smiling face . My deepest sympathy goes out to your family , friends and all of your fans who like me have lost a special friend. Kel Baigent ~~~~~ I CAN'T BELIEVE PETER BROCK IS GONE A PART OF ME WENT WITH HIM. I TREASURE ALL THE ITEMS AND PHOTOS THAT I HAVE OF BROCKY I WILL MISS HIM VERY MUCH A TRUE LEGEND AND A TRUE GENTLEMAN HAS LEFT US BUT WIILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN GO HOLDENS LOVE ANITA LOGAN ~~~~~ Brock what can i say you were a legend you were king of the mountain. One thing that remains in my heart is the fact i was able to drive at winton raceway in my blue lh torana and be passed by the master in a green lj torana and to be there at the mountain when he retired made it all worth R.I.P. BROCK LOVE YA MATE ~~~~~ Peter Brock, you made millions smile, and for decades you had hearts racing with you when you were on the track. You made people aware of road dangers when you presented "Police, Camera, Action". You died doing what you loved. Was it your final message of safety to others? If a man with decades of experience behind the wheel could be taken from us, then we, with limited daily driving have little chance of controlling a vehicle. To us you were the Legend. We loved that you always had time for your fans. I met you personally and realized you were just an everyday Aussie Bloke, with an infectious smile, and a big heart. A heart big enough to have time for all you met. You were the embodiment of an Aussie, and a true Ambassador for this country. We'll remember you always, Being a staunch Holden & Brock supporter & following you over the years we will miss you, not only what you done for motor racing but also what you have done for disadavantaged children & children with serious medical conditions. Our heart goes out to your family, like the rest of Australia they have lost a great man that no one will ever replace. Farewell Peter (King of the mountain) you have left a great legacy behind. R.I.P Geoff, Cindee, Natasha & Karina We Loved You Brocky You Will Always Be Our King King Of The Mountain You Will Be Sadly Missed And Never Forgotten All Our Love To His Grief Stricken Family And Friends Suzie Trev and Tayla ~~~~~ To everyone that Peter Brock has touched I am a fan of peter and I am like everone else very sad of his passing it was a sad thing. It makes you think that no-one is invincible and and to treat the roads with respect. It wasn't his time to go he will be sadly missed by all ~~~~~ Peter Brock, "King of the Mountain". My idol for 30 years, since I was a kid and used to watch you tear around Surfers Paradise Raceway. I've watched you ever since, my young adult kids have watched you all their lives. I've seen you race at nearly every track in Oz. We've personally met you a few times and you always made time to speak to us and make us feel like you appreciated us being interested in you. You leave a huge hole in our lives, in the lives of all fans. You are a legend and nobody will ever fill your shoes. Sadly missed, never forgotten. Sheree, Rebecca, Matthew, Gold Coast ~~~~~ My thoughts go out to Peter's family on the loss of a person that has become a legend to so many of us. It is like loosing a member of our own family. I like many others have followed Peter's career throughout the decades and find it hard to come to terms with the loss of such a legend in what he loved doing most of all. I was fortunate enough to meet Peter once and to me he was the gentleman of motorsport. Once again our thoughts to his family. The legend will live on in our memories. Kerry ~~~~~ Peter. the Legend. The hero of so many. Go 05 Pam ~~~~~ THE BROCK FAMILY Our heart goes out to the whole family. Peter was a great man Bathurst and Sandown will My heart also goes out to V8 supercar family of motor sport espically Craig Lowndes as how close he was to Peter Brock as he was like family. My deepest sympathies to all of you. May you R.I.P Brocky i know you will be watching everybody at Bathurst and Sandown every year race. OUR DEEPEST SYMPATHIES ~~~~~ Peter, You inspired me in many ways, not only to become an avid follower of motor sport, but to follow my dreams. You were and always will be my idol as you have taught me so much indirectly. I still remember meeting you at pre race meetings and having lunch with you and Beverley in the tent at one of your races. You were the perfect gentleman, Peter Perfect, and will never be replaced. In my heart, thoughts and inspirations forever. Belinda James ~~~~~ You were and still are my hero to show how much you were loved and respected when even ford fans didn't want you to retire and that was just to retire I even saw them cry and that was the enemy. Well mate your day has come to do your magic in heaven arm out the winow and just truck on show them how it is done. My heart is broken but I can at least say I got the chance to meet a true gentle man a true legend. You are what being a true aussie is about the world is a sadder place without your smile and just you. You are so sadly missed you are my hero and I will folow my dream but it will be so hard without my hero Kerry Riseley ~~~~~ To a great racer who knew the routes of the track and who drove for several years of motor racing will be sadly missed . ~~~~~ A GREAT MAN A GREATER SPIRIT THE GREATEST DRIVER TAZI AND SHANE ELLIOTT ~~~~~ Peter Brock King of the Mountain Nine times Bathurst winner & Nine Times Sandown winner When Brocky drove a car it was poetry in motion, my memories are of Peter getting the best out of the car going up Mountain straight and having a conversation with the rest of the nation via Racecam at the same time. Australian motorsport fans whether Ford or Holden will miss him deeply!. Brocky, thanks for the great memories, you were a major contributor for the success of V8 racing in Australia. RIP King of Mountain Brendan Deshon ~~~~~ Peter Brock, If it wasn't for you motor sport would be nothing, Bathurst will never be the same without you present. To your family I feel sorry for their loss of a great human being. From the Owen Family ~~~~~ In Memory of ‘The King of the Mountain’ Words cannot fully describe the tragic and sudden loss of a man who meant so much for so many. When I think of Peter, I will always remember the lifetime of enjoyment he brought to the fans in our wonderful nation and how proud Peter Brock was to be an Australian. Peter flew the Australian flag in the true traditions of enjoying life to the fullest and in a thought provoking way, went about his life to give to others like no other person in motor racing history in Australia. Peter Brock touched the lives of many people, not only the motor racing enthusiasts but also those in need of a shoulder to lean on. Through the formation of the Peter Brock Foundation, for which I have proudly been a member of, Peter gave so much energy to achieve what the public expected of him that it may have ultimately taken its toll. If I only achieved ten percent of Peter’s attributes in my life, it would be to the benefit of society. I believe that we can all take a leaf out of Peter Brock’s book and be more unselfish towards others, give without expecting anything in return and be proud to be an Australian. I am very proud to have meet Peter Brock on many occasions and those memories will stay with me for the rest of my life. Finally, in the words of Peter Brock, ‘Enjoy Life and Follow Your Dreams’. With lasting memories, Peter Balikoff Founder Member and Public Relations Officer State Emergency Services Volunteer ~~~~~ Thank you Peter for sharing a part of your life with so many. I have read all comments before me and just wish to add thanks for being a part of my life for such a long time, and you never even knew how much you meant to me. my love to you always
A.C. NZ ~~~~~ Peter Brock was a legend to millions of Motor Racing Fans across the world. We will miss him so much but he will live on in our hearts. The Donaldson Family, Mill Park xxx ~~~~~
Peter, sadly missed. Fondest memories of a golden era of motorsport which you were a major part of and supplied us the photographers with some amazing images. Not lost but still the photo images will be with us forever . Great Days Pete IAN SMITH AUTOPIX MELBOURNE AUSTRALIA. ~~~~~
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