On Friday April 9, 2010,
karina/sweetpea said:
Hi poppy.
We miss you a lot and we want to let you know that the king and queen of heavon have said that they will take good care of you when you are there.
love you forever
On Saturday April 10, 2010,
Nichols family said:
Hi poppy we all miss you we wish you were still here. Please remember our time together, but most of all remember us. We were all together and we still are even though you're gone, but really remember us!! PLEASE REMEMBER, PLEASE REMEMBER YOUR FAMILY!
On Sunday April 11, 2010,
Sandra said:
It was hard to say goodbye but we know that you are now in a better place, free from pain and enjoying your permanent golfing holiday. We all miss you so much. We love you Poppy.
Sandra Robert Bec and Troy
On Sunday October 23, 2011,
karina/sweetpea said:
Hi poppy it is me again wyatt misses you even though you couldn't know him for that long well he is now 2 and is all happy and healthy and we love you and miss you and i still get sad because you are gone and now it is nearly christmas and this is going to be our 2nd christmas without you but your in a better place out of pain but we all miss you from THE WHOLE OF THE NICHOLS FAMILy. love you forever in our hearts and your little sweetpea