Raymond Christy Booth 1932 - 2006
Sunday August 20, 2006
Thursday August 24, 2006
Woronora Crematorium
West Chapel, Linden Street Sutherland

It's Hard To Say Goodbye
Late of Miranda. Beloved husband of Molly, loving father and father in law of Cassie, Cindy and David, much loved Pa of Angus and Jackson, lovinf brother and brother in law of Norma and Harry , Wally and Grace.

Aged 74 Years
At Peace

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Simplicity Funerals

Corner The Kingsway & Kareena Road
Miranda, NSW, 2228
Ph:   02 9542 7352
Fax:   02 9542 7346
Website:   www.simplicityfunerals.com.au
Email:   Email this funeral director

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